By Cláudia Sousa, Patrícia Ferreira and Raquel Magano
1. Identify and choose your topic
Define an investigation question and do not get sidetracked.
2. Select the information source
According to your investigation topic you must choose the most apropriated place to find the information .
Choose the apropriate database according to your investigation topic to find articles.
Go to a library and search for books, reference books, journals and documentaries.
Search for books and old documents in online databases such as Europeana, Internet Archives, Projeto Gallica….
3. Define the keywords
Identify the key concepts in your research area.
Produce a list of synonyms and related terms.
Use Thesaurus and Mesh terms.
4. Execute the search
Use your keywords to execute the search.
5. Increase or decrease the results
Use truncation - in which a word ending is replaced by a symbol such as an asterisk (*), a question mark (?) or a dollar sign ($), depending on the database (search in “help” or “search tips”).
Use wildcards – use symbols such question mark (?), the pound/hatch symbol (#) or the asterisk (*) to represent a letter or letters in a word.
Use the boolean operator “or” .
Use the boolean operator “and”.
Use quotation marks.
Use the database filters.
6. Choose the interesting bibliography
When searching on-line databases you will find many interesting titles; however be aware to and do not get sidetracked.
7. Record and organize the results
Use a bibliographic manager such as Endnote and Mendeley.
8. Evaluate the information you gather
Do you have reliable information?
Do you have actual references?
Do you have enough information?
Did the information answer to the investigation question?
9. If it is necessary start the process again
If your answer “yes” in topic 8 continue your research.
If your answer to topic 8 is no, start the process again .
10. Write and revise your essay
Use scientific language.
Learn as much as you can.
Enjoy your research .
Useful links:
This post was made by:
Branca Raquel Rodrigues Magano
Cláudia Maria Gomes de Sousa
Patrícia Gomes Ferreira