By Ana Margarida Moreira and Rui Alvites
Nowadays, using citation manager tools is essential for doing good science. They allow us to collect and organize records or citations from several research databases and automatically create reference libraries and cite while we write.
There are several management software packages, each with their own advantages and limitations. It all comes down to the key aspects you are looking for, and if you are willing to pay for it.
For those looking for an option with quality and for free, Mendeley and Zotero are among the most used alternatives. Mendeley has a special advantage for users who work mainly with PDF material, since the software can extract the information of these files to create the libraries. It also works as a social network, allowing the user to create a profile, follow other researchers and create a specific network of contacts. Zotero can extract information from PDF documents or other formats, websites, databases, catalogs and even video and sound files. Like Mendeley, its social component is marked, allowing easy sharing and collaborations.
However, the most popular and commonly used program in the academic and scientific fields is the paid software EndNote. Its features make it one of the best options available and well worth the price.
Below you can find a list of 10 reasons why you should use EndNote as your citation manager.
Ana Margarida Oliveira Moreira
Rui Damazio Alvites